Project Planner Notebook
Project management and project planner notebooks to help you organize your work, projects, and get shit done.
The get shit done project planner notebook is the ultimate tool to help you:​
Keep most important tasks organized and easily accessible
Track and organize business and personal project
Organize detailed notes
Each project planner notebook contains 120, undated 8.5 x 11 inches pages.
How To Use The Project Management And
Project Planner Notebook
Use the weekly priorities and task list pages to keep all of your upcoming tasks front and center throughout the week. No more flipping back and forth between pages to find your action items.
Continue to add, adjust and cross action items off throughout the week so that you keep all tasks on one page until the following week. It's ok if it gets messy!
On Friday, before you wrap up your day, set up the weekly priorities and tasks for the next week bringing over any items that need follow up or that are not yet complete.
Use the Project Plan pages to record major project details, information, milestones and tasks in one location so you can easily refer to details about that specific project.
Use the notes pages for ongoing, more detailed notes so you can always refer back when you need them.
I am the creator of these planners and, additionally, as an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.